[Stable Isotope Mass Spec. x2]
DI/GC-C IRMS (IsoPrime100 with 7890b/C/DI) 2014.1-
GC IRMS (IsoPrime100 with 7890a/MICAL3c) 2014.3-

[Picarro L2130-i]
CRDS isotope analyzer for H2O



[Original Devices]
MICAL3c (prep. system for microscale analysis, 2011-)

DODES for MICAL (operation software, 2008-)
MICAL4 (A copy of MICAL3c, 2024-)

MICAL-U (under construction, 2025-, )

DICAL (for DIC, 2011-)

DODES for DICAL (operation software)

SPICAL2 (prep. system for high precision analysis, 2012-)

manifold system for DI (2009-)
MICAL2 (2006-2022, reused to build MICAL-U)

Nandemo Vacuum Line 01 — for AIST

Vacuum Line 02

Tools ?

Stereomicroscope (Leica S9D) x7

Stereomicroscope (Leica M205C with 3D)

Polarizing Microscope (Leica)

Fluorescence Polarizing Microscope (Olympus BX53)

Turbo Pump (Pfeiffer) x2

Turbo Pump (Edwards)

Polisher (2023-)

Constant Temperature Bath x2

Ultrasonic Bath

Ultra Micro Valance (1µg < )

Freezer (-60C)

Dryer x2

Liquid Nitrogen Storage Container x2

Freeze Dryer

Gas Chromatograph (Agilent 7890 x 3)

Micro Gas Chromatograph (SRI 310C)

Gas Chromatograph (Agilent 6850 and 8850 )